Monday, September 24, 2007

Productive Web Site Design - 8 Steps to Make More Money With Web Site Design

The design of your web site should be attention grabbing, interesting, and enticing. This is the first element that prospective visitors will see when they click on your URL. You don't want them to immediately leave your site because it appears boring. Make your visitors want to stay through effective web site designing. Here's how:

1. Make it compatible with all brands of computers. There are numerous brands of computers these days, make sure that your web designs are viewable to all of them. You don't want to limit your visitors to specific brands as it will limit your web site traffic.

2. Limit your graphics and images. Sure they attract visitors but too much of them will slow down your downloading time.

3. Make your web site interactive. Put forums, article submission page, comments page, etc. 4. Check all your links. Monitor your web site on a daily basis. Make sure that all your links are working and that they drive the customer to where they want to go.

5. Provide room for advertising. Your web site must have enough space that you can sell to other sites or advertising companies so you can generate revenue.

6. Utilize the best web designing technologies. Design your page using joomla, html, XML, etc.

7. Make it easy to download. Your site should be downloaded within few seconds or you'll lose your visitors.

8. Use up-to-date web site design software. They will give you the latest features to attract more visitors and survive the online competition.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

By: James Krawder

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