Sunday, September 30, 2007

Effective Design

Developing new products and services rapidly and effectively is a very important skill in many businesses and the ‘decision to design’ can commit the business to hundreds of thousands of pounds and many months of work, as well as significant risk. The focus needs to be on minimising cost whilst reducing the time taken to develop the product or service and reducing the business’s risk exposure.

The problems with traditional design processes are that they occur sequentially and often involve ‘over the wall engineering’ in that one department ‘throws’ the design to the next department who then have to unpick the problems that have been designed in, often at great cost. In manufacturing companies, often the design engineers will not understand the production process and will design a product which cannot easily be made, or is too expensive, and in service companies often the marketing team will not understand in detail the operations function and will promote a product which is difficult to manage effectively – both examples of dysfunctional and sequential design.

During WWII, the need for rapid product development was recognised and the concept of Concurrent Design (CD) was born. The backbone of CD is the formation of a multi-function team consisting of designers, production, quality and test engineering personnel and key suppliers to develop a new product. This changes the cash flow profile (ie more money is spent earlier on), but can easily reduce the ‘time to market’ and post-design changes by 75% as well as reducing the actual development spend by up to 40%.

CD is a concept which is viable for both manufacturers or service sector businesses, but for manufacturers is complemented by Rapid Prototyping tools and techniques which have evolved to a new level of sophistication over the last 20 years, again reducing the time taken to receive solid models from weeks to hours and contributing to shorter development times.

Reducing time to market for new products and service can be shown to have many benefits including increased market share, longer product lifecycles and higher margins, but requires collaboration between departments and companies and the adoption of new practices and processes in the design value stream.

Mark Eaton holds the Viscount Nuffield Medal for his contribution to UK Industry and has held numerous senior positions within industry, as well as holding the post as Director of a number of major public sector programmes. Mark is Chair of the IET's Manufacturing Network and the IOM's Operations Development Panel which aims to promote best practice in Operations Thinking in Manufacturing & Healthcare.

Tel: +44 (0)870-446-1002


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Bien que des dissertations sur les vêtements et sa fonctionnalité sont trouvés à partir du 19ème siècle que les pays colonisateurs traités avec de nouveaux environnements, [7] la recherche scientifique concertée sur les fonctions [url=]abercrombie france[/url] psycho-sociaux, physiologiques et d'autres vêtements (uncommon exemple de stumbling-block, de exhilaration) s'est produite dans la première moitié de du 20ème siècle, avec des publications telles que la psychologie Flugel de vêtements en 1930, [6] et [url=]hollister france[/url] de physiologie séminal Newburgh, du règlement de chaleur et La Science de vêtements en 1949. [8] En 1968, le domaine de la physiologie de l'environnement avait avancé et élargi de manière significative, mais la skilfulness de vêtements [url=]hollister[/url] aggrieve up rapport à l'environnement physiologie avait peu changé. [9] Alors que de nombreuses recherches ont depuis eu lieu et la dishonest de connaissances a augmenté de fa?on significative, les principaux concepts restent les mêmes, et même livre Newburgh maintain à être cité substandard les auteurs contemporains, y compris ceux qui tentent de développer des modèles de développement de thermorégulation vêtements.

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Anonymous said...

One may find paintings of landscapes, seascapes, religious figures, sports, patriotic symbols, flowers, nature and a plethora of other options to choose from.It's a good way to perceive that that painting is associated with movements of the body. [url=]flower oil paintings[/url] It is may be a creative way to make a statement to your friends and family.Don't think too hard about what the content of the painting should be. [url=]oil paintings[/url] Al Smitty is a writer who loves to discuss many topics ranging from original abstract art to American football.The same rule applies if you are planning to sell an oil painting. [url=]Canvas Oil Painting[/url] In a place that provides it maximum coverage and away from the elements.Fine art auction houses exist in most American cities, and may be a good starting point for serious collectors and people buying art as an investment. [url=]Wholesale Oil Painting[/url] Consider buying oil paintings online for your next home decoration project.The same rule applies if you are planning to sell an oil painting. [url=]Impressionist oil paintings[/url] Bob Ross is an artist from the television show the Joy of Painting; he painted many works that are now available to buy.Abstract oil paintings are a great away to incorporate oneself in the art world.

Anonymous said...

Paint the background first before focusing on smaller and more detailed areas.You did buy an oil painting because you want to appreciate it and not leave it inside a vault or in the basement right? Make sure the string and the hook are sturdy and properly placed. [url=]Impressionist oil paintings[/url] Do you desire artwork that looks nice but not quite museum or gallery quality? If so, then online stores and different department stores offer selections at discounted prices.The dimensions of the room you want to put the painting in should also be considered when making a choice. [url=]discount oil paintings[/url] I hope you find this article helpful.Make sure that the frame is properly and sturdily made and the canvas properly stretched. [url=]landscape oil paintings[/url] There are also businesses where you can send in a photo that you would like to have painted, and they will paint the picture in the photo for a negotiated or set price.Consider museum quality oil paintings for your next home decoration project. [url=]oil paintings for sale[/url] Don't think too hard about what the content of the painting should be.Fine art auction houses exist in most American cities, and may be a good starting point for serious collectors and people buying art as an investment. [url=]Landscape Oil Paintings for Sale[/url] Do you desire artwork that looks nice but not quite museum or gallery quality? If so, then online stores and different department stores offer selections at discounted prices.This allows the artist to create a personal bond with his/her painting.

Anonymous said...

The prices of the painting depend on many factors.Even so, an abstract work of art doesn't aim for it to be understood. [url=]Wholesale Modern Oil Painting[/url] Here are a few tips and techniques when it comes to taking care of oil paintings on canvas:5:Avoid unnecessary handling: More often than not damages, holes and scratches on a painting are made because of unnecessary handling. [url=]oil painting[/url] For anyone who has a taste for art, finding original oil paintings for sale is an idea to consider.Some of which include the age, style, location of purchase and the artist of the artwork. [url=]hand painted[/url] If you have an idea of your own, you can share it with an artist for hire, and he might be able to paint your idea for you.Sometimes they are sold at auctions. [url=]art reproductions[/url] It's advised to begin with two or three colors.This way your investment is protected and your enjoyment of the painting will last much longer. [url=]Impressionist oil paintings[/url] Typically, prices can be negotiated.锘緿epending on one's budget and tastes, there are many choices available in today's oil painting market.

Anonymous said...

They can be full of color and design, and can be found to match any type and style of decor that you may have.Whether you are willing to spend a fortune or something less for your oil paintings purchase, it is important to make sure that you avoid being conned into buying fakes or reproductions that are sold for originals prices. [url=]Multiple Canvas Art[/url] Original oil paintings may come in contemporary, impressionism, art nouveau, abstract, still life as well as many other styles.Even viewers of the painting will be able to grasp that type of connection. [url=]Oil Painting Wholesale[/url] You will save money by choosing not to have your purchases framed plus it will give you the freedom to choose the right frames for your decorations later on.It can also demonstrate the allure of beauty. [url=]art for sale[/url] Typically, prices can be negotiated.There are artists that see abstract painting as something that depicts discord. [url=]oil paintings[/url] This is to ensure that the painting does not get unnecessary moisture, is in the direct path of dust particles or gets too much contact with direct sunlight.Okay, you are an oil painting enthusiast. [url=]oil paintings for sale[/url] After doing so, painting over the first layer wouldn't be so difficult.Remember, oil on canvas paintings are meant to be appreciated by as many individuals as possible therefore keeping your oil paintings in good condition increases the chances of it surviving and being appreciated down to the next generation.

Anonymous said...

The rapper, who was the first to sign to Shady Records, was scouted before knowing Eminem.As of today there is no set release date or price for these headphones, but 50 cent and Sleek Audio claim this product will be for sale in stores really soon. [url=]sms 50 cent headphones[/url] Unfortunately, the usual home skin cleansing methods do not get your skin thoroughly clean, and they can leave inside the pores dirt and oil.The Clarisonic Mia is the smallest Sonic Skin Cleansing System. [url=]50 cent headphones[/url] It has a soft replaceable brush-head that is gentle on skin, it is equipped with two speeds, and it is water-resistant (not waterproof!).It is touted to have the ability to remove six times as much makeup and twice as much dirt and oil compared to cleaning by hand. [url=]cheap sms headphones[/url] It really is very helpful in decreasing blemishes, dry and oily areas of your skin, and it will make your skin a lot smoother.In just 60 seconds, it leaves your skin feeling smoother, softer and cleaner. [url=]50 cent headphones[/url] In spite of Olay Pro-X system's ability to deep-cleanse, exfoliate, and at the same time give a soothing facial massage, customers who have used both products have reported some difference in cleansing performance and in the results obtained for a cleaner, smoother and softer skin, with a definite advantage for the Clarisonic systems.If you check reviews to find out how people feel about the Clarisonic, you'll find that very few people have had any issues with it, even including those with very sensitive skin. [url=]50 cent headphones price[/url] Even with mature age women, they look years younger than their actual age.Users can view, share and post comments on these Tabs in the online Lookbook.

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Dre and Skull Candy.And when there was that sleazy video of Paris Hilton out on the Internet, everyone wanted a piece of her. [url=]50 cent headphones wholesale[/url] The Clarisonic Mia Skincare System is especially great when you are on the go, since it happens to be a smaller model of the classic Clarisonic skincare brush.Comes in white and Pink. [url=]50 headphones[/url] This is a real morale booster for these women.Comes in white and Pink. [url=]cheap 50 cent headphones[/url] Why wait for a Clarisonic sale?Many people have skin issues like blackheads that are quite difficult to get rid of. [url=]sms 50 cent headphones[/url] The Clarisonic Pro is an essential tool for aestheticians.Sonic cleansing is deep cleansing and gentle exfoliation. [url=]50 cent sync headphones[/url] The Mia is affordable so it is a favorite with teens and anyone on a budget.The Pro comes in white, pink and graphite grey (popular with the guys!)

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